How to deal with insecurity.


I have this overwhelming inferiority complex that makes me go insane and I can’t stop thinking about how untalented and awkward I am compared to my friends. I have no talent whatsoever and I can’t keep up with everyone else. My grades are average and my looks are even below average, I’m chubby. I don’t understand how everyone around found what they’re good at while I’m just confused. I feel like everyone is going to be successful but me. I guess I’m really afraid of failure. I have this anxiety everyday. But does anybody know of any ways that help to deal with insecurity issues? I would really appreciate it.

Category: Tags: asked November 28, 2013

3 Answers

hi emma my names marissa. first off, stop it. every single person on this earth is unique in their own way. you are beautiful and amazing in your own special way and i think thats what makes humans so awesome. you have your own wants and needs and talents, even if you dont know them yet. because we were all made for a purpose. you may have not discovered yours yet and thats totally ok because it will come and you will know because there will be that right place right time kind of feeling.the best way to deal with insecurities is to keep your head high and focus on the things you love to do. and if you are determined to do something, practice. theres nothing wrong with practice. surround yourself with people and things that make you happy. never compare yourself to others because everyone is day youre going to look back and realize how amazing you are and what you had. and what youre facing now will make a good story to tell. i hope this helps :)
Insecurity can be really, really awful to deal with. :( I know firsthand how terrible it is, so I get it. The one thing that I've found that seems to work is to just shove all the bad, negative thoughts out of your head. When you start thinking about how you feel insecure about something, try to think of something else. Focus in on something you like about yourself, even if it's something small. Do you have pretty eyes? Stare at them in the mirror and think about how wonderful they are, even if it makes you feel silly. Do you like drawing? Draw something you really, really want to draw and hang it up somewhere where everyone can see, even if you personally don't really like it, because someone else definitely will like it. Focus on the things you like about yourself, even if they seem minor, and remember that everyone is much harsher on themselves than they are on other people. :)
You're focusing too much on others and not enough on yourself. Instead of watching others succeed, start something yourself. The way to find what you are good at or like to do is to experiment. Does something catch your interest? Check it out, see what it's like and what it's about. And if you don't like it, then so be it. There's no point in sitting back and thinking anything more on it. Just try out something else, another thing that catches your interest. Keep on doing that, and before you know it, you will have several talents and skills, and on top of that, eventually you will know just what it is that you want to do. Also, failure is not something to be afraid of. Failure at anything is a learning experience, and studies show that failing at something causes you to learn more than when you succeed at something. And about your physical looks; everyone thinks they should look any way but the way they do. They always want to 'improve' a certain field of their appearance. In actuality, there is no imperfection in appearance, only those that we are taught to perceive. The media is always displaying images of women that they portray as the image of attractiveness, and other women see this and accept their views without even taking their own views into account. This happens not only to women, but men as well. This causes a sort of guideline mentality, which causes major feelings of insecurity and unworthiness. And worst of all, people who are beautiful and attractive believe that they are not so. Let me tell you a secret about beauty; it's not about fitting into a guideline. It's about being an individual and standing out as one. Just because you don't look the same as some 'model' doesn't mean you aren't attractive. Another thing I feel should be said here; Don't worry about what others think. Nobody can please or impress everyone, no matter what. The people that don't appreciate you for who you are or can't appreciate the things you do aren't worth your time or effort. And lastly, I would like to add; If there is something about yourself that is making you unhappy, change it. There is nothing that sitting back and feeling bad about it is going to do for you other than make you feel continuously worse. There is no better time than now to begin working on yourself until you are happy with yourself. The only person you should concern yourself with making happy is yourself, because trying to please everyone else is impossible and will only depress you and make you feel worthless. Work on yourself first, and everything else will come in time.