How to control depression…?


Ok..well I’ve been going through depression since my freshman year due to some issues. (I’m a junior now) During that time span I’ve been doing self harm, I’ve had many suicidal thoughts, and I’ve attempted to commit suicide 3 times. (I’m actually surprised nobody has noticed me doing it.) Anyways, I met my boyfriend 2 months ago because he actually noticed and wanted to help me and during that time we ya know, got close n stuff. Since then I’ve been fine and when I get down, I’d talk to him and he somehow always made me smile :) Recently I’ve been going through stress and I’ve been doing bad in school (possibly to the point of being held back) and dealing conflicts with my parents and also how we’re moving and its just really overwhelming. Normally I’d respond to this situation is by doing self harm but I made a promise not to do it. Right now I feel like I’m going to go back to my old ways but I don’t want that, i wanna recover. Is there anyway to help me get through this? I can’t always rely on my boyfriend, I have to learn how to be able to do this myself too.

Category: Tags: asked August 5, 2013

3 Answers

As someone who used to self-harm I can understand how you feel. I still get the urge to self-harm sometimes, what I do is go to one of my 'safe activities'. Something that you can relax into and free your mind with, that you enjoy. For example mine are reading, taking long baths, and just going for a walk in nature. Sometimes just extracting yourself from a stressful situation can give you the time you need to put your thoughts in order. If it becomes serious again (I.E you start thinking about suicide) you should try to see a professional. The Suicide Prevention Lifeline can help put you in touch with someone if you need help, as well as a councelor at your local school. SPL also has some wonderful resources online for Attempt Survivors at .
First off, I applaud you for being so candid about your problems, and reaching out to people. Please keep doing that. Could save your life. And we want you to stick around.
You need something else to do when the urge to cut starts to overwhelm you, to replace it and satisfy the urge slightly. Usually, I draw all over my wrist and arm with a pen where I'd usually cut. I can feel it and see it, it's satisfying. I also tried plucking my eyebrows- slightly painful, but productive instead of harmful. Or squeezing a stress ball as hard as I could, and when that wasn't enough, tearing it to shreds.
I've never tried these, but some people say snapping an elastic on their wrist helps, or holding an ice cube in their hand or rubbing it where you'd usually cut until it melts.
Singing always helps me or running. There are a lot of ways to avoid self harming, you just have to find one best for you. Usually a hobby like drawing, dancing, jogging, knitting, or something like that will help a lot. Dont be scared to talk to your boyfriend though, a lot if people that self harm talk to people about their problems and it helps them to avoid cutting or whatever self harm they're inflicting on themselves. Most self harmers do what they do because they have no one to talk to, just talk to your boyfriend or a good friend or someine you trust, talking about it helps ease the pain. Excercise, a healthy diet, meditation, uplifting music, and even tanning can help relieve stress and keep you from being depressed. Life can be hard, but don't get let that cause you to harm yourself. Whenever you feel like harming yourself, just remember, hurting yourself isn't going to fix the situation or make you feel better, its just going to cause more problems and a dependancy on self harming. If you ever feel like self harming, talk to someone.