how to come out of the closet?


my friends all know I’m a lesbian but not my parents.. I want to come out and tell them so I don’t have to hide a huge part of who I am from them. THE ONLY PROBLEM IS… I’m scared they’ll kick me out and/ Or never let me see my girlfriend who lives 17 and a half hours away. PLEASE HELP.

Category: Tags: asked August 4, 2014

4 Answers

be proud and out.
You're 16 right? If there is the possibility you can be kicked out, why risk it? Do you see your girlfriend anyways? Is a part of the only reason you're telling your parents for support and help so you can see your girlfriend? It's a tough situation. Even if the two of you were together for a while, you are only 16 and it's not positive the two of you will end up together. If you feel like you HAVE to tell your parents, and I understand why you'd want to, try asking them from a distance, so ask what they think of the LGBT community? Or what they thing of gay/lesbian relationships? You're hiding not only your sexuality, but a relationship, and that's not easy for anyone to just tell their parents. What kind of girl you're dating is another issue. Your parents may be fine with your status, but may not like her. I'm not trying to play devils advocate here, but there's just multiple steps in a delicate situation. I would try to approach the subject like I mentioned, then based on their reaction, repost another question with more details. Did your girlfriend come out? Is she planning to? What does she think? Would she visit you, or are only you expected to make the trip to visit her? Just a few more things to think about. All the best!
The best thing is to really contemplate it before you go in. Think about their possible reactions/ fears/ questions and try to come up with calm, logical answers. Yelling and crying rarely does any good. Stand strong and be confident: if they can't accept it, that's their problem and it doesn't change sh*t about you. Try. your best to explain it: it's quite helpful to have a little speech prepared. I wish you the best of luck! I know first hand how terrifying it can be, and I just want to acknowledge your courage.
Where are you located/are there local GLBTIQ centres? Many GLBTIQ centres have resources to help you come out to your parents as well as information about local shelters in case they do kick you out.I would take the time to plan this through, a high percentage of homeless youths on the street are because of sexual orientation or abuse at home and I would hate for you to become one of them. Maybe see if there is someone you can stay with in case things go bad, and have a bag ready just in case they do. I would also suggest having an adult or a friend with you when you do come out for safety.