how to battle this anxiety from being home all day?


When im home all day, I get really bad anxiety because I feel trapped. Because of the horrible snow storms in my area, ive been stuck at home for a while and will continue to be. How can I battle this? please, im having really bad panic attacks and the only medicine I have slows down my heart rate and doesn’t help. thank you.

Category: Tags: asked January 8, 2015

1 Answer

You could try to distract yourself. If you do something that you like and make yourself comfortable, it'll be less likely for you to think about those feelings. If your medicine isn't helping properly, you should mention this to your doctor. Try to do things that relax you. For some a warm bath helps, for others reading a book helps. I hope things will get better for you. It's not easy to deal with anxiety. It's important to be able to relax and to make yourself comfortable.