How should I deal with unrequited love? (Sorry it’s long)


When I was a freshman in college I meet this senior. He was on the football team that a managed for and he was a director at the radio station I was djing for. He was the first guy on campus, or in general for that matter, to ever treat me not only as a person, but as a friend and as an equal. After a semester I noticed I had fallen for him. I looked forward to seeing him at the radio station and I would volunteer to produce when he was broadcasting just so I could hear his voice. He completely changed the person who I was into who I am. When I finally told him about my feelings after about a year and a couple months of having fallen for him, he politely turned me down and made sure he hadn’t hurt me, which only made me more attracted to him. We still talk to ea other and he comes to me with his major decisions in life, like possible job offers and I’ll send him ads for jobs at where I work because it’s along the lines of what he wants to do. Every time I talk to him though I just want to tell him over and over how much he means to me, even though I know it’s not fair to him. I want him to be happy, but I also want to be his. Thought on dealing with this or coping with it?

Category: Tags: asked August 20, 2015

1 Answer

Well,that is a tough question to answer beyond the usual condolences and "Move on"s that I got when I went through the same thing back in school. It really depends on what's going on with him right now, and how he feels about you. There is always the possibility that he has his eyes on someone else right now, and the best you can do is give it time, wait it out, and hope he doesn't become seriously involved with someone else.I know that sounds selfish and it kinda is, but I used to hang out with this girl in college, and we were really close. I idolized her, which was a stupid thing to do, but I really did love her so much. And we ended up hanging out all the time, and I confessed to her that I liked her. Not a full on profession of love mind you, but just a really awkward mention that I really liked her.And then I did something to make her hate me. And she just stopped talking to me altogether, and we had a lot of the same friends so I saw her all the time. I tried to apologize to her so many times, but she wasn't having anything to do with me after that. I was obsessed with her for two years, and during that time a really nice girl asked me out, but I turned her down for my weird ex relationship that would always pop up in my head at the worst times.After that I kinda just gave up on women altogether. I still think about her sometimes.So yeah, sorry about ranting about my own experience there for a bit, but I just wanted you to know that I went through something similar, and the whole thing will suck any way you do it, unless he somehow realises that he wants to be with you.If he doesn't, just try and be friends. And if that doesn't work then just stop dealing with him I guess. Thats all I got, and I'm pretty new to this so sorry for any glaring issues and feel free to criticize. Love never gets any easier, ever. I know that sounds cliche, but that's the truth, for me at least.