How do you respond to controversial questions?


Someone is doing an interview about a company part owned by the government. You are the supervisor in that company and the interviewer ask you, “What do you think about the support you are getting from this current administration compared to the previous one”?

How do you answer such a question without offending either administrations.

Category: asked May 25, 2014

2 Answers

We have been very fortunate that both administrations have fully supported what we are trying to achieve here at xxx. While owned by the government we have a responsibility to all our stakeholders, ultimately the largest stakeholder is the general public, who we work hard on serving every day. ( may not be suitable for exact instance)
I think your answer starts with coming up with your true objective answer, and from there polishing it if needed.
Jennifer Dziura at answers to questions like this (interviews, work), if you want to ask her opinion on how to polish your personal answer, send her a message on there.