How do you get over a break up with your first boyfriend?


After a relationship of over a year

asked April 30, 2013

2 Answers

The best way to get over any relationship, especially those that last for as long as a year or more, is time. I know that sounds like a crappy answer but it is true. Also, it is important to remember that you are a complete, awesome individual with or without a boyfriend/girlfriend. Any romantic person you let into your life should only add to your happiness, not take away from it, nor should they be what gives your life meaning or purpose. A significant other does not define you and one of the best ways to help heal after a break up is to engage with the other parts of your life: your friends, your family, school/work, and any hobbies you have that you enjoy. Commit time to being and exploring who you are as a person, all the things that make you your awesome self. I had a hard time getting over my first boyfriend (we dated for a year and a half) but things that helped were my friends and family. I was also heavily involved in rowing at the time and after the break up I spent some of the extra time I had (now that I wasn't hanging out with my boyfriend) working out more and just volunteering to help the team/my coach out in my spare time. Having activities that I loved to do and people I enjoyed spending time with that weren't in any way connected back to my boyfriend helped tremendously. I know it might not feel like it will ever get better but it does and I hope it does soon for you. :]
I got over my first breakup (We'd been together for around 8 months) by spending a lot of time with friends. Every time I was alone I started crying and felt so lonely, but spending time with my best friends really helped to heal my broken heart. Just remember that you are you and an awesome person with or without a boyfriend!