How do you deal with rejection?


I have been rejected and ignored for 6 years now. The stress is finally starting to brake me. How do you deal with rejection? I have resorted to self harm.

Category: Tags: asked December 12, 2013

2 Answers

Self harm is definitely not the way to cope with rejection. Just keep a open heart and mind and remember that life has no set rules or guidelines so do not feel like you have to live a certain way. Dont feel like you need to have a huge group of friends, I would recommend though that you have at least one person who you can trust with talking about your problems with. As for me when I am depressed or feeling rejected, I try to stick to to what I know best or am most comfortable with and have something that helps take my mind off of life. Whether that be hanging out with a close friend or making art, and try not to put myself in stressful situation until I am out of the rut. Good luck with your situation and remember life goes on and things will get better.
I personally dont ever use the term 'rejected' because it makes it sound so demeaning and harsh. I also dont really ever feel that people get 'rejected' because there are so so so many other factors that go into why people push other people away. Unfortunately, you will never understand those reasons why they push you away and it is easy to just blame youself. But you cant think of it as 'I was rejected' because then it makes it seem like you are a loser and your NOT. Your simply NOT. Dont feed into that way of thinking, and lose the term 'rejected' because its not real.. its not that black and white. There is alot of gray area that you wont ever see from the person that rejected you.