How do you deal with “heartbreak”?


I put it in quotation marks because I don’t know how else to put it. But someone help me pleas. Just give me ideas on what to do.
for the most part I’m okay but there are times when I reminisce and feel lonely and just feel like crap.

Category: asked May 20, 2014

4 Answers

When I went through my first breakup I did as many things as possible to keep me busy. Hang out with friends a lot, go to parties, watch movies, anything to keep my mind off it. Everyone goes through them, your heart will heal in time. Try not to think about it, if you do think about the good times of your relationship to make you less sad.
First: Accept that everyone goes through it eventually and you are not alone. Try talking to another friend or sibling that has gone through the same thing. Whenever you start to feel sad just look up things that make you happy or quotes. They always cheer me up! Hope you feel better soon :)
Hey, I know how you feel firstly because I had to go through a very serious breakup and the heartbreak I had to deal with really just helped snowball even more what I was going through. I suggest doing what I did, which is taking that person out of your life. I know this may be difficult if you don't want to, but trust me how you feel after a while is independent and free. Also, if you have any screenshots and pictures with this person, it's best to not have those to remind you of the situation and what happened. You have this time to figure out more who you are, and what you can be and do, and I know you feel like crap right now but just have the right people there to support you and know you're a hot piece of ass who deserves more than that <3 Give yourself time to grieve and mourn, but don't let it stop you from living your life happily. Treat yourself to special things, pamper yourself and go out and do things you love. If these don't work there are many other ways to get through it don't worry, you will eventually everything is temporary :) Darling you'll be okay <3
the hardest thing for me after my worst breakup, was slapping between realities , becoming used to life before i met the person. you must find ways to occupy your mind whether it be with video games or books or other people. Maybe take a warm bath and relax. Watch movies with family and friends. many people are torn after a breakup for one or more of many reasons: -fear of never finding someone else/being alone -fear of rejection many of these same reasons I have found can apply to people that stay in abusive relationships. You must remember that each step forward will get you one step towards something else. Even if the land beneath your feet looks exactly the same or similar, when you stop focusing on the ground beneath you and start focusing on your life and the friends and people around you, that land will slip beneath you without you knowing. You will soon be in a different time and a different place. There will be different people all throughout your life and you can either embrace them or you could keep holding on to something that doesnt matter anymore. im sorry if this is harsh. im a writer by trade. i dont normally write for specific people.