How do I work through being triggered?


I was alienated and made to feel very unloved, disliked, and misunderstood by my mom as a teenager when I had emotional problems and now, years later, my little sister is getting therapy and support for her problems and seeing her get help is triggering. It sends me right back to that place emotionally and these mood swings are interfering with my life and hurting my relationship with both my mom and sister. I’ve explained to my mom what being triggered is like but she doesn’t really get it and I want to get help, but until I can afford therapy is there anything I can do on my own to work through this?

Category: Tags: asked March 21, 2014

2 Answers

Hello, Miss Abbey, you did the right thing in reaching out.

I am very sorry to hear that you went for so long without validation or help. My heart goes out to you for having to feel that old pain all over again. The feeling of being alone right at home in a house full of people is an awful thing, and your feelings are entirely understandable.

It is a good thing for your sister that she is getting help, and this could very well open a door to helping your mother understand your side after so long. Parents can be spoken to by counselors , and you can have your sister discuss your issues in the form of discussing her own. Your sister can talk about your problems and ask if her therapist can speak to your mother and suggest that she open up to you. It doesn't violate doctor-patient confidentiality and it is a roundabout way of getting a professional consultation.

If you can cooperate with your sister to get her to have this short conversation with her therapist, your mother would hear it from a professional's mouth to open up to you, and could make her more likely to take you seriously.

If you'd rather not take that route, you can always sit your mother down with your sister and have your sister explain things, since she seems more open to your sister than to you.

Whatever path you take, never let anyone make you feel like you are worthless. Never let anyone or anything stifle your will to live happily. You are among friends here on BlahTherapy. Most importantly, never forget that you matter, and you are not alone.
Think of happy times, we always forget about those :D Spend time with your sister, and also spend time with your mom. Love heals a lot of things. That means focus on people who give you love too.