How do I take the next step?


Hey guys! As you all probably know I tend to ask girl questions when having a problem because I like to hear what other people have to say and it makes me calm. Anyway so there is this girl who is on my soccer team (I am a 16 year old guy) she is actually very good looking and cool. I am not going to go into details why I like her, since I do not want to bore you. She is a junior (I am a sophomore) so we have no classes together and I do not see her in the hallways except the other day I think I saw her. I will try to make this short and sweet, anyway I was rocking out to my music and suddenly I see this hand waving to me in front of my face, so I look to see who it is and it is this great smiling good looking girl, and at first I thought it was someone else then I was like is that her? Anyway I am 99% sure it was her and she gets along with me well. Also the one time I played a really good game and she came over to me and said I played a good game and squeezed my hand. Anyway, so I want to touch her or something (non-sexual of course) but like on the arm or something to kinda let her know I am interested or do something else, so what do you guys think I should do that is a sign I like her but not a big move? And I did not give much info in the question, but do you think she could like me? If you need more info then I am happy to give it and I am willing to hear all answerers, thanks for listening! :)

Category: asked May 7, 2015

1 Answer

It's easy to mistake kindness for interest, but I think that it's highly possible that she could like you. If you do not want to make a big move on her, though, then I assume you wouldn't want to just come right out and tell her that you're interested. So take it slow; flirting is definitely one way to convince somebody that you're interested in them. As for touching, occasional arm or hand brushing may give off the hint that you're into her. But I would not pursue such contact if it makes her uncomfortable in any way. Among those, compliment her often and remind her what you think about her. Try to spend more time with her; make it obvious that you want to be around her. I think doing such things would eventually make your interest obvious to her. Hopefully this helps some, and good luck to you. :)