How do I stop hurting people?


In essence, I’m a on and off player who feels incredibly guilty every time a one night stand turns into a girl falling for me. Yes, I know that I should warn them in advance that I just want sex. I do. I also tell them that falling for me is the worst idea, because I’m so career oriented that I’m not interested in relationships. I am really not interested in finding my true love or some naive teenage bullshit. At the same time, I don’t want to stop having sex. It doesn’t help that I’m a really empathetic and my sexuality is based on emotions, so I need an emotional connection in order to feel sexual attraction(which can happen with either gender), and create one in order to want to have sex with a girl (or guy). Basically, I ran through half a dozen girls over the space of a month last time I let my player side out, and about 5 of them fell for me. I don’t want that high a percentage of girls left heartbroken. I hate doing that to people. Any ideas on how to keep things casual?

I do not want to hear “stop having sex”. Easy for you to say. It’s not.

Category: Tags: asked February 27, 2014

10 Answers

there is no solution for this. i've gone through this myself, and there will always be girls that fall and get heartbroken. HOWEVER, you were honest with them and you told them that all you wanted was casual sex. you've done your part. what's going on here is not you being a player, players lie and players "play." you seem rather straightforward. what's actually going on is that some of your partners happen to be ready for a relationship even if they don't know it themselves. what's going on here is not something that can really be helped unless you do stop sleeping around. it's good that you do feel guilty about this, you seem to have a lot of empathy. but don't beat yourself up over it, if i were to be friendzoned by a girl, it wouldn't be her fault. if i were to fall for a girl who didn't reciprocate feelings, it wouldn't be her fault. if a girl fell for you even after you were honest with her about what you want out of her, even after you let her know that there IS nothing more than sex, then it's not your fault. try to come to terms with that. now. if you cannot come to terms, then communicate with the girls who are left heartbroken, tell them that you WERE honest but you are sorry for how they feel. if they are sensible people they will completely understand.
Go to someone who won't get attached.Go to someone you know will be able to resist falling for you and is strong enough to not get hurt.:) Hopefully this helps :)
Why not find a "buddy"? I don't like using the word booty call, but that's what it is. Someone who's there just for that, minus emotions &or problems. Know of anyone who'd be interested, a friend maybe? I'm sure there's someone out there willing to just do that without worrying of hurting another just as you :) I hope this helps! Good luck :)
I've had a few fuckbuddies, all of them developed feelings for me. And finding a girl who just won't fall for me is a matter of luck. Not an easy thing to accomplish.
Thank you for all your responses, I appreciate the effort.
Honestly, I respect these girl's feelings, but I don't want anything long term because I crave travel and adventure, and leaving someone to sit around waiting for me would be terribly unfair. I want love and respect, but I crave my own self respect more. For that, I need to pursue my own goals.
Sounds like you have an addiction. You need to seek help for this or you want be able to continue any good relationships when you come across them.Its also not good for your self esteem .I believe telling you to stop having one night stands want be of any help to you here,and feel you need to get help for your problem. It want be easy,just like getting help for any addiction,but its some thing I feel you need to do. If you think you dont have an addiction,then that's the first thing you need to see for your self to get help. Also go find some one you can talk to ,some one you feel comfortable with and ask them to be there for you and help you too in your recovery as you will need the support.I wish you all the best.
I still care, because people's feelings matter to me regardless of whether I want them to as soon as I get to know them even a little. And sex by definition wouldn't be an addiction unless you uncontrollably have sex without being able to say no. Having a sex drive is normal, a built in biological driving force. Even then, I say no to girls who fall for me before we have sex and use prudence and standards in who I sleep with. Maybe that's an addiction, but I don't think so.
let it known you dont care for them and keeping doing what your doing 9 times out of 10 you wont even know those people in 2 years so why should it matter