How do I stop feelings of infatuation?


Well I love someone, like a lot, we love eachother and i dont know WHY but aometimes i like Feel infatuation or a romantic lust for other people Course it means nothing and I neither act nor think on it seriously, wouldnt dream of it, butI wish i could force the temporary feelings to go away. Theyve been reoccuring for these two people and it’s stupid. I dont know them, i aint close to them, but some days I just feel really infstuated with either, or both of them instead of the person I love.

How can I make the feelings go away? :/ I dont want to have these feelings for those people.

asked April 7, 2014

2 Answers

An infatuation can also be explained as a crush. You don't know them but something about them attracts them to you, at least from a distance or due to some idea that your mind probably made up. It's good that you don't act upon these feelings, I guess. But at the same time, it's not like you're married. Maybe your mind is trying to tell you to further explore your options? Or maybe the person you love doesn't have the certain qualities that the others do and you find that intriguing? Or, I mean, you say you love this person, but it seems to me that you don't exactly love this person if you find yourself 'infatuated' with others sometimes (and....infatuated is a strong word, that's why I quoted it like that...but maybe you are, I wouldn't know). Yeah, I know you don't act upon it, but usually people can't think about themselves with anyone else but their partner and they can't find themselves even crushing on another. But I don't know. I hope you find the answer your looking for, but in the end, it's what you think, not what others think. Ask yourself the same question you're asking us, because matters of the heart is really complicated for outsiders to answer, because, well, we aren't you. I don't know if that helped. If not, I apologize, and I hope that someone can answer the question wisely and honestly. I've never experienced such an ordeal, but I tried my best. Good luck on your situation! :)
It's okay. My girlfriend is infatuated with Tayler Lautner. that scumbag dickwolf. but you know, it happens, you are human. You will be attracted to other people. the point of being in a [traditional] relationship is to ignore these feelings for others and remain committed to making that one relationship work. You won't be able to stop the feelings but you are able to resist them.