How do I stop feeling so terrible?


I really hate myself at the moment. I feel like the worst person ever because of things I have done to some people in the past. I was selfish and incredibly stupid, and let them down but I can’t even write or talk about it, all I can say is that I regret it so badly and have flashbacks about every day. The worst happened several years ago but I can’t stop thinking about it and feeling like crap. I don’t want to live like this anymore, it hinders me from moving forward in a way because I am afraid I will screw up again. So lately I’ve been isolating myself. I don’t know how to connect with people again and let go of my fear of screwing up. I’m thankful for any replies and advice.

asked April 16, 2014

4 Answers

Miss Emma, there is no way to confront this without talking about it. Message me privately if you want to talk. My inbox is always open.
Regret is one of the hardest feelings to escape. Regret is always on your subconscious mind. Unless you keep yourself busy and distracted those thoughts will remain in your head for a long time. Regret never really goes away but it becomes better over time. I know people who have done some very unspeakable things and they have that burden with them forever. Everything gets better over time.
Well if you're able, you could try offering an apology to those you've hurt in the past. It might give you some closure (even if they never respond). I'm sure they would appreciate it. You have obviously learned from your mistakes if you are taking it this hard. It personally helps me to determine why I made the mistake in the first place so I can prevent myself from doing it again. Perhaps that would help you too (if you haven't done so already). Above all, you need to find a way to forgive yourself or you are not only protecting people from the pain you might cause them in the future but you are also suffocating the opportunity you have to love them as well. The key is to forgive and love yourself. This will naturally cause you to love and accept others. I hope you find a way to overcome this. I have been there before. You can do it :)
I'm in a similar situation myself, and even though I'm slowly recovering from it, I know exactly how you feel. Not only do I recommend what what Vivid Melody says, but here's what I have to say. I know it's hard looking back on past mistakes, and even harder to let go with them. Believe me, I'm going through this myself, and it's not a cool place to stay in. But what really matters is what you choose to do now, the present is called that for a reason. If you ever want to talk more about it, feel free to PM me, and hopefully we'll get through this together. :)