how do i stop feeling guilty?


so for a few months i was smoking weed with my best friend and her boyfriend. i used to just do it alone with her boyfriend (call him John) because she (call her Amy) didnt mind me being alone with him because im a lesbian. so wed been smoking a lot, maybe like once a week. it was great and i was glad to have friends. it all went south when john gave me a weed brownie. i ate it when i was home alone and i started feeling higher than id ever been. it wasnt fun. i was messaging amy while it was going on and i tried to stand up and then i started throwing up everywhere. i thought there mighve been mold on the brownie and iwas like im gonna die im gonna die so i called the police. I gave them Johns name (i didnt mean to get him in trouble i was just high and didnt think clearly). i went to the hospital and now my parents dont trust me, my best friend Amy is mad at me cause my parents told her parents that shed been on drugs and stuff, and now John cant see amy, and he has a court date. Im just feeling so dumb and guilty for what i did. how do i get past my guilt from this/make it right?

asked February 22, 2014

1 Answer

I am in a pretty similar situation except I was on pills and OD'd. I would just admit that you know what you did was wrong and apologize. It wasn't JUST your fault. They were on the drugs too. And you had every right to call 911 if you thought you were in danger.