How do i stay positive?


Okay. so im probably like the only one..but even after I have a great day/week I still go home and like…cry. I still feel like sh*t. no matter what happens I just cant be happy.

Category: asked March 8, 2014

6 Answers

I completely understand what you're going through, as it is the same for me. All I can say is that it will be difficult to have that little bit of positive energy come out after everything you have been through but honestly, I believe it's all in your will power to make things change. If you want to stay positive, surround yourself with positive people, interact in activities that make you happy (shopping, writing, listen to some upbeat music etc.), and most of all talk about it with people around you. Distract yourself from going back into those thoughts and try to send out a positive vibe. If you need somebody to talk to, feel free to pm me, and we can discuss what's really going on. Good luck and I hope this helps
To help me stay positive I made a poster that I have hanging on my wall where I can see it every time I walk out of my room. Depending on you're age, you might have to modify, or you could find your own quote. I use "Wake up every day and tell yourself you're a bad ass bitch from hell and no one can mess with you, and then don't let any one mess with you."Basically, it reminds me to be myself and to be happy. And to not let anyone mess with me being happy.
Being positive is a choice, and it's a tough one, because it's so easy to be negative! Being negative and having negative thoughts is a really tough habit to break. Go easy on yourself. Try meditating on some positive thoughts every day!
I agree with tweeks! You should choose to be positive. An effort to stay positive plus good music can do wonders. Meditation is an option too. You can also find out what it is that's stressing/depressing you and do something about it. Do something that you want to do. It can be a hobby or work that you are putting off for some time. Surround yourself with people you love and people who love you. Mostly, smile. Research say that smiling stimulates our brain's reward mechanisms and decrease stress induced-hormones.
I was happy when I was an EMT. I didi it as a volunteer. I was contributing to the greater good and actually helping people that needed help and seeing the results immediately. Studies how that people are happiest when they fell that are part of something greater than themselves. Since I cannot do that anymore due to my health, I cannot tell you how to be happy now. My health sucks, the doctors in Boston suck and no one can seem to help me. And the damn democrats made it worse by passing Obamacare and making healthcare for people like me even WORSE than it was before.Now we are just overburdened by illegals and there is no time for legitimate citizens like me. Just confirms I have little to value in this world.
For me, i first accept certain facts. I accept the fact that i am but a speck, on a speck we call our planet, on a speck we call our solar system, on a speck we call our galaxy, in an ocean we call the universe. I accept the fact that I am in fact, not so special. These are two cold hard truths, but they are enlightening to me. Then I begin to accept other facts, that I am alive, all the laws of the universe funneled down to give me sight, to perceive beauty, to give me creativity, to give me emotion. I accept emotion for what a gift it is, just to feel sad is such a strange thing. A chemical reaction within the mind can make such a huge difference. The bad things in this world don't seem so bad anymore because life itself turns into a gift when perceived in the way. To wake up, just one more morning, to live one more day, to perceive beauty is a gift. To exist is a gift. Once you are able to not take existence for granted, positivity naturally follows no matter how dark or cynical you might get. people tell me im very dark, twisted, cynical. but honestly, I know i'm happier, and less lonely than them. and it is because i don't take existence for granted. Sometimes it's difficult, but that is why you must constantly remind yourself that even when the world seems to be failing you, you are alive. you can feel. you can perceive and dream. there is nothing greater the universe can give you than that opportunity