How do I learn to do something with no ones support?


no one wants to support me on my dreams

Category: Tags: asked January 28, 2014

6 Answers

What are your dreams?
If you want something that badly nothing will get in your way, instead of relying on others chase your own dreams. You can do it!
Honey, you live only once. Your universe will only exist when you do. You have a chance to live out your dreams, don't waste it. Nobody has the right to live life for you. Do what you love to do, pursue your dreams. Chase the happiness of life, don't hold on to chains. I support you. I support your dreams. Find ways to support yourself. There's always that bunch of people in the world that will pour ice cold water on your fiery passion no matter where you are. If your dream makes you happy, go for it. “I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!” -Theodore Roosevelt
the truth is sometimes your going to stand alone, but that's ok. it can even be fun and exciting. be confidant in yourself and chase after your dreams, besides your the only one that can make them a reality.
It is not as difficult as it seems. If you want it bad enough you will succeed and eventually find a lot of people who felt just the same. You can do whatever you want by yourself and i can assure you that when you look back you will feel way more proud than if you had everybody at your back
You need to learn to believe in yourself and what you can accomplish when you put your mind to something. You can do it, all on your own. Don't ever let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams. The only one standing in your way, is you.

Good luck!