How do I get over a guy that broke my heart


I’m in high school and have been dating this guy for 9 months. He is the sweetest guy and I loved him so much and he told me he loved me to. We had a great relationship and was considered one if the cutest couples in school. Eventually though, he stopped acting boyish and cute towards me but then it was a little better but since this summer started its been hard because I haven’t been able to see him and he isn’t a good texter. A few weeks ago, he broke up with me while I was on vacation, while I was asleep, and asked my best friend to do it for him. He completely broke my heart and he seems like he doesn’t care. I’m hurting so badly and everytime I see him or think about him I cry and I spend a lot of my time now thinking about this situation. I cant believe someone as sweet as him would break the heart of the girl he said he loved. I feel so alone and broken. How do I get over him and get my life back?

Category: Tags: asked August 11, 2014

5 Answers

Sadly, things will never happen the way you want it to be. In real life, you can't expect everything to happen whatever you like it to be. You are not alone; many other people in this world has also experienced this as well. If he broke up with you, clearly for some reason he does not want any relationship with you whatsoever, and you must respect his decision.
Do things that make you feel happy; if you want to be happy, then try to make yourself happy. You always have your family or friends to support you. Don't worry, it will take time will heal all wounds.
Just to let you know it is completely normal what you are going through and it's important to let yourself feel what you need to feel. Another gentleman will come to your life and I promise he will be even double the sweet he was to you . Someone that breaks up with you like that doesn't deserve you and I'm sorry for this happening to you. Try to hang out with friends the most you can and smile whenever you can and it will take a while but it will get better. Best wishes :D
I'm so sorry that he did that to you. I know exactly how you are feeling . My bf just broke up with me recently, right after he said he loved me. It has been very hard for me too. I know that you think about him all the time and wonder why it happened. But we both need to realize that we didn't deserve it and we need to be strong and move on. Slowly we will come to realize if they truly loved us they would never have let us go. One day we are are going to find someone who is going to love us better than they ever did. Everyday we will get stronger and think of them less. And sure we will have days of weakness where we cry again but after those days it will make us even stronger. We will have faith in ourselves and get past this. Stay strong....
It's never easy to get over someone. That's the honest truth, but the feelings you do stop over time. Realizing and accepting what happen, has happened. It wasn't your fault. Sadly, these things happen. People heart change. But you know this now. The only person you have to worry about is you. You want your life back? You start by doing things you love. Do things that make you happy. Be around people that you enjoy being around. Even trying something different. The best thing you can is keep busy. Don't think of this as a bad relationship or that you did anything wrong. Because all that thinking and wondering if we did anything wrong will just destroy your mind and heart. We'll never know the reason why people do the things they do or why they changed their minds. But you can learn from it and grow in a positive way. Protect your heart a bit before you give it out again, but never lose that thing that makes you amazing, which is your golden heart. You are worthy. Don't let yourself drown in your misery. Is that where you want to be? Is this how you want to spend your days? The true question you want to ask yourself is "Do I want to be happy?" And if you do, then what do you do about it? There is only one person who is strong, courageous, and loving that you can trust. Which is yourself. Things will get better. You will be back on your feet. And you'll love again. But in the mean time know it's okay to feel sad and cry for the moment, but don't unpack and live in that misery forever. Remember that no storm ever last forever. The point of the storm is to come out stronger than the person you were before. And when you're ready, after you decide you had enough of being sad, get back on your feet. Live, love, and laugh again.
in this case you just need a formal talk to him in person and ask him all the questions that run through your mind the moment he broke your heart... if he doesn't like to talk to you, don't beg...instead just forgive him for what he has done and forget all the negative thoughts and feelings he gave you...remember that it is always better to be with some one who knows your worth than to be with somebody who doesn't know how to treat you right...there are a lot of fishes in the sea..let them go after you..make yourself fit..stay young and beautiful...let regret hunt him if he saw you glowing..and always remember that it is always easy to forgive but never ever forget what it taught you... this is only a challenge that will make you stronger and will make you be a better person..treat yourself right...make yourself a better one...