How do I fix this?


I sometimes get this great big weight on my chest, and its hard to breath and I dont know what is happening. I feel so bad and guilty for everything, and I’m getting paranoid about everything all over again and I have not felt like this in at least two years. Everything makes me want to cry, even just my english teacher asked me to do my work and I almost started crying, even though it is such a simple and understandable request.

I want it to stop because I must be a pain as I take out my fustration on the people I am closest too. I feel horrible that my friends have to put up with me because they are all so lovely and I love them to bits and I cant understand why they dont get mad.

I think my anxiety is coming back and I get this urges to cut again even though I know its really stupid and i am getting all these suicidal thoughts again. Im not sure what I can do because I cant tell anyone because one of my other friends is going through a similar thing and I dont want to look like I just want attention.

asked August 11, 2013

3 Answers

Well, your friends will always be willing to help you out. That's why they're your friends. Because they care about you. If they think you're doing it for attention, then they're not really your friends. But anyway, when it comes to anxiety, just focus on breathing. Maybe look at an object and describe it. Just focus on small details of things that are not causing your anxiety. It's okay to feel guilty about things, but try not to let that guilt completely overwhelm you. You deserve to be happy.
I think you should talk to a counselor or even your friends. If your friends think you're just doing this for attention, then they're not real friends. To help with the cutting, I suggest drawing, singing, taking a shower and exercising. Those really help me get out of my dark moments. Sometimes to help me with my anxiety, I just tell myself to breathe slowly in and out and think about my favorite food or something I love. It sounds silly but that really helped me :)
This happened to me a couple of months ago, and the way I solved it was spending time with someone I trusted just letting everything out. Often times when small things set us off it's because we're bottling everything up, and the best way to solve it is to talk. I can tell you all day that you deserve to be happy and you shouldn't feel guilty, and even though they're true you'll have to come to those conclusions on your own. Try to focus on the positive things in life, and let yourself be imperfect. If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me. It'll get better!