How do I escape suicide?


I am thinking of killing myself. What do I do?

Category: asked July 12, 2014

2 Answers

well that all depends on exactly what you mean. If you mean that you are having occasional thoughts of suicide you should probably seek professional help and see if there are any underlying issues and possibly address those. If you are thinking of committing suicide at the moment i would say call a hotlineIn the U.S. call 1-800-273-8255 For Chat: Suicide Prevention LifeLine For Each State - IMAlive - Crisis Call Center - Criss Services we all want to help here at blahtherapy but in this instance professional help is more suitable then peer advice
Hey . Please don't do it because no matter how bad your situation is there's still a lot of things in life worth living for . You have a live to live and enjoy and be grateful for not having to die because there is plenty of sick people who would do anything to live and survive an other day . if you really are hopeless don't kill yourself . Try to do new things that you never experienced . you can volounteer and do some charity stuff or maybe pack your bags and go to an other country and start a new life . There's always hope and tomorrow is a new day . You can survive it and you'll have a better life and be glad that you didn't make an end to it . I love you sister/brother .