how do I encourage my boyfriend?


This is more of an inquiry I guess, bUt how do I cheer up and encourage my boyfriend?

He’s been rather down lately, due to a LOT of stress caused by his weird ex girlfriend, and by his friends. He’s afraid he’ll end up doing something irrational or bad and end up in a psych ward due to all the incoming stress. He is worried about keeping me happy and about pleasing everyone. And he keeps talking about getting his head and life straight.

That line itself scares me, and I don’t know why

I’ve tried messaging him, amd letting him know I’m here for him. I’m not really the type to ditch out in stressful moments.
But alas, he keeps getting even more depressed.

I’m not worried about him keeping me happy, I’m already perfectly happy with him send with the way stuff is going

How to I encourage him and let him know everything is gonna be alright? Even when he doubts it?

Category: Tags: asked November 18, 2014

1 Answer

This might surprise a lot of people, but stay stable, a constant, a predictable tree, a sturdy rock, he can lean on when tired. How many more analogies can I use? The point is, sounds like a lot of junk going on and changing in his life, so be something that doesn't change. No need to constantly tell him "I'll be here," he'll come to you in time.