How do I build a wall around my heart?


I’m very tired of being hurt and heartbroken over unrequited love. I’m also tired of people being mean and stupid to me. Even my parents and friends are not being nice to me. This time, my plan is to build a wall around my heart and my whole being in order not to be walked over again. I’ve become cold-hearted and distant but I’m still hurting inside and I can’t even move forward with my life. Can you help me? Thanks and I do appreciate your answers.

Category: asked September 7, 2014

4 Answers

You don't have to be cold-hearted. Tell the people who are treating you wrong how you feel. Stand up for your self. For the relationship problems, don't trust guys so quickly. In the end it will be you to get your heart stepped because you care more.
I haven't been in any relationship but I do have a thick wall built around due to family situations. Anyway, I'm not gonna stop you from doing so but I'll simply warn you that building a wall can result in hurting others and eventually yourself. While it is a good strategy to protect yourself from random people that just want to mess around, you might end up hurting the few ones that care or might care about you. I reckon the real trick to build a secure wall around your heart comes from your mind, out of necessity. Do not trust people by default and don't let your trust be easy to earn, a lot of people hate having to earn someone's trust the hard way and the bad people will most likely not reach you. You'll still have to take risks once in a while if you think someone special has come along. Make it a wall with windows and doors and keep checking your mail :)
Don't be cold-hearted and build a wall around your heart. You'll regret it later. Not everyone is going to hurt you. Just stop caring about the people being mean to you and not caring about you. If they don't see how you feel or notice how they treat you then they don't care and neither should you. As for love, your bound to get hurt. IF you didn't you'd get in to things you wish you hadn't. Just wait. Finding the right one isn't easy but I can tell you that he/she is out there. Whoever you go for. Don't love easily though. You'll know when you fall in love. Its kind of hard to ignore the feeling.
the problem is not from your heart it's from your personality you need to power your self with knowledge and improve your personality to handling your self to be able to reply on people rather than feel fear and weak or even to ignore them without thinking about it and let it take you down it's your choose to build an empire of soldiers or just make wall who will break anytime.