How do I approach a girl?


I am a 20 year old male and I still have a very hard time talking to girls in person. I’m never the one to start a conversation unless I truly feel 100% comfortable. I know you have to “be yourself” but I’ve been myself, and it still hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I don’t know.

Category: Tags: asked June 26, 2014

7 Answers

Not just confidence, don't be afraid of rejection and that you should be positive about it more and should careless more what other people says about you. Be that awesome weirdough that people would be able to approach you better. Be approacheable.
Be the funny gentleman. She'll fall for you without even realizing it. Also don't try too hard, because she'll probably know. Just relax and think of her as one of your really good friends. Always be kind to her and let her know you're interested in what she has to say. Open the door for her, pull out her chair, etc. etc. You know what girls like...
This may sound silly but the real question here is what are you thinking when you talk to a girl? If you're thinking "I REALLY WANT HER TO LIKE ME STAT" then that's probably what's going to cause you to hit a dead end. What you should really be doing is having fun. Don't be focused on impressing her, and try to relax. Girls aren't all that vicious :)It's impossible to completely 100% not think of getting her, but try not to make that a priority. When you find yourself feeling more than usual towards a certain girl, just let her knows she's special (treat her a notch better than you do others girls, ask her out on random dates, be daring!) but don't push it (don't ask her out everyday or every two days). I've seen so many of my guy friends get girls when they finally decided to give up on getting girls, so trust me, your mindset dictates EVERYTHINGG hahah all the best!
I have been where you are at, its all fine and good to hear people say that you should "be yourself" but sometimes thats difficult. Generally speaking I like to say when it comes to people don't be a bullshitter. Don't say a lie to impress somebody or act like somebody who you are not, it is effectively the same thing but its a more simple guideline to follow. Other then that I've found that the best way to get used to talking to girls is to take gradual steps. Often we are pressured to pursue one person and that tends to cause a lot of stress and can ultimately hurt any chance you have at building a rapport. Instead of just jumping in try joining groups that have members who are girls, treat them like friends and either try to avoid thinking of them as potential dates or think of them as off limits. For me that allowed a much more relaxed relationship in addition to reminding me that girls are also people. This is not a quick solution, the entire point is to become more comfortable so you can communicate in a more relaxed manner.
Make her laugh :-)
Well first off-start with a smile! Girls will see you in a more positive way if you smile at them. After you smile, if they keep eye contact, go talk to them. Say hi and compliment them on something. This typically gets a conversation going and you have a good start right there. Find something you have in common and build off of that. And will serve you well to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. That is how friends are made.
Start off by being confident, or at least try and look confident. It instantly makes you more attractive, just smile, be friendly. You don't have to think too much about it, like you don't need to plan the whole thing out or anything it's really simple. Just let the conversation come naturally, she'll most likely carry on. Maybe compliment her or introduce yourself. Good luck!