How did you get your first Panic/Anxiety attack?


Hi, there. So I’ve been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for about 2 1/2 years so far. I got my first attack from drinking an entire bottle of robitussin (extremely stupid I know) and had a bad freak out and thought I was going to die, that’s when the panic attack happened. After that I started getting anxiety more and more and panic attacks happened more often and haven’t been the same ever since. After these years i’m still struggling with it i’m at my all time low right now but i’m working on bettering myself. I wanted to know how you got your first panic/anxiety attack and what you do to deal with it? I have no one around me that can relate to me so I feel so alone with this. Still trying to figure all this out.

Category: Tags: asked September 11, 2015

6 Answers

I started having panic attacks when I was 12. I don't remember the first one, but I remember that there was a lot of dramatic family stuff going on in my life that might have contributed to it. I told my parents that I was suffering from 'chest pains'. They took me to the doctor and the DOCTOR told them it was panic attacks - which I really think helped because it made them take it seriously and be supportive about it. I can't tell you how to handle your panic attacks, because everyone is different. However, when I start panicking I try and focus on my breathing. I try and remember that I've been through this before and that it WILL pass. If I am in a crowded area, I find somewhere quiet to collect myself. After I've calmed down, I drink a big glass of water. If I feel like the anxiety will return, I leave the area and go somewhere I feel safe. Just remember that you're NOT alone and that people do care about you, even if they don't understand what you're going through. A lot of people don't know how to react, and may respond poorly to your anxiety. Try not to blame them - it's hard putting yourself in someone else's shoes. If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me!
i started having mine about a year ago. my first one was in the middle of my dance class. i didnt know what was going on because ive never had one before and i thought i was just having another asthma attack but after none of my inhalers worked my dance teacher got scared and had to go get her mom (the owner of my studio) and she helped me get through it. i dont know for sure what had caused it but im guessing it was exams. whenever i feel one coming on i try and get by myself, take my inhaler (just in case!), and try and distract myself. i usually try and think about (and sometimes saying it out loud helps more) things around me. like for example when im at work and i feel one i tell my manager im going upstairs for a bit (he understands what im going through) and then i talk to myself about whats in the break room and what it smells like downstairs and strange things ive overheard. it really helps me. feel free to message me any time! :)

To answer your questions: my first panic attack was in high school with an unusually high fever. I was rushed from class to ER and spent the next week in the hospital. Honestly, I don't remember the cause or the diagnosis, but I remember I was miserable with both family and school environment. Since I was stuck in both, my solution was the find ways to escape. My favorites were (and still are) drawing, reading, and walking. All three distracted me from awful noises and thoughts and let me to get lost in my own world. Occasionally, I'd write to simply organize my thoughts.

Although, no matter how many times I organize my thoughts, no one is a mind reader. When I reached out to close friends, I was amazed how they not only have gone through similar obstacles but also were willing to share advice and give support. You're doing the right thing by reaching out to this community!
I got my first panic attack when i was in first grade. I was suppose to perform a song called "king tut" with a classmate. I studied that verse extremely hard for weeks and felt like I knew it by heart. I got on stage and freaked out. At that point, i realized i had stage fright and hated to be in or near crowds. I overcame it by getting use to people. Realizing that they have both good and bad days just like i do. Good luck on overcoming your anxiety :)
My first one was when I was 7! I was a really sickly kid and so I had to stay home a lot of the time with my mom, and that year was the worst in terms of illness. When I would finally go back to school after weeks of being gone I would start freaking out, my stomach would hurt, and I wouldn't be able to breathe. Obviously I was still really young so I had no clue what was going on, but I know now that's what it was. I don't get them too often anymore, but the absolute most important thing you can do is BREATHE. Focus on your breathing the most, because it's the best way to prevent a panic attack from starting or to calm yourself down if it gets past the point of preventing it. Usually I try and repeat a mantra in my head while I take deep breaths because otherwise my thoughts will start racing, causing me to panic even harder. Mine is "I am okay, this is temporary, I will not die, I have done this before". You can say yours out loud or just repeat it in your head. Once the panic subsides, I try and drink some water. If the anxiety is passed, I take a little breather and take time to collect myself. If I'm still feeling anxious, I'll get to a place where I feel safe and listen to some music if I can. Personally I like to be alone if I'm panicking, so I try and get somewhere where I can do that. If you're more comfortable with a certain person to people, try to get to them. Just realize that not everyone knows how to deal with anxiety in the best way, but try not to take that to heart. I wish you the best of luck!

My first panick attack was when I was about 6 years old, in first grade. My dad always was (and still is) very strict so I knew I had to be the best student of the class. I got the highest score in subjects except math, and because of that I had a panick attack cause I knew I would disappoint him and he would never love me again. So yeah, I've been dealing with this since very young, I'm "used to" panick attacks..