How did you get over your social anxiety?


I am horrible with people. When they talk to me, my throat shuts off and my case is way pass shyness. This is a question to people who once had social anxiety: How did you overcome it?

asked October 28, 2013

3 Answers

I told people I had social anxiety and they really sympathized and in fact it became easier for me to talk with people since they understood how I felt.
I stuck with my bf when went out in public an he would do all the talking till I started getting comfy. An when I'd struggle to respond he would jump in to help. An just having someone who had my back really helped me. So always being with someone who knows you have social anxiety an can help encourage you, really helps. Baby steps:)
I stuck with my bf when went out in public an he would do all the talking till I started getting comfy. An when I'd struggle to respond he would jump in to help. An just having someone who had my back really helped me. So always being with someone who knows you have social anxiety an can help encourage you, really helps. Baby steps:)