how deep is your love?


ok lets say you are in love like BOOM! best person on earth this is it….but one day BAM they magically turn into the opposite sex (or whatever your not into)….would you stay with them? how deep is your love?

asked April 25, 2014

6 Answers

I'm bisexual, problems for me. :) Spontaneous sex-change would be the perfect mate for me.

I absolutely would stay with them, the most important thing to me is their personality and how we connect on an emotional level. If they became off-putting physically, I wouldn't care one bit <3
My love is reserved for three people: The Father , The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I do not become attached to people, because at this age, I know all they will do is try to hurt me. I'd suggest you do not get too attached to whoever claims to "love you". In this day and age, people just want sex. I'd say it's just kids, but I've watched Jerry Springer and know what goes on there. My advice to you. If it's legitimate love, as in a burning, beautiful flame of eternal beauty within your heart for that other person, it should not matter what becomes of them.
If it's love. It would reign above all, it won't even matter. It's not the physical appearance you love. That's just a bonus. Loving them is loving everything, even their imperfections.
Love is beautiful, and everyone deserves it.
You've got a friend in me
I've always joked to my boyfriend that if he were to ever become gay, we would have to stay in our same life because he's the best friend I've ever had. And we would make that work. I will always love him, no matter what. But if he were suddenly a girl... well, part of the whole attraction to him is the fact that he's a manly man. And part of his attraction happens to be his masculinity.. you know, everywhere. So, honestly, while I love him, a sex change would kind of be a game changer because I like the opposite sex. There are reasons why I'm not attracted to the same sex, whatever they may be. I support the idea, and it's nothing against that lifestyle. He would still be my best friend and I would never shut him out, but dating him probably wouldn't be an option.
Hell yes. He'd make a cute girl and I'm asexual, so I don't really care.