How can you stop yourself from self harming?


I need opinions on how to stop self harm before its too late.

asked May 11, 2014

8 Answers

Sweetie, those scars will likely last forever, do you want to have to explain them when you're older, wiser, and in a better situation than you are now? Because things WILL get better. Instead of cutting, just cry. Scream, punch a pillow, destroy a phone book, blast loud music, go for a run in the fresh air, have a friend pick you up and take you to Taco Bell. Don't self harm, because it's a lifelong scar for a fleeting moment of peace. There are better ways dear.
I honestly am in the process of stopping myself my last 'session' was last wensday and I did my wrist so bad. That one of my best friends noticed and made me realize that I do have other options. So right now you need support and u need to get rid of what u cut with.
First of all, you are not a bad person for doing this, you have your own reasons, and everyone have to respect that. I know something that can help, use a good bracelet/wristlet, one that you really like, and that is hard to take off, it will discourage to do it, then, try to read a book or listen to a good music, take your time for your feelings and thoughts, it's okay to be sad or upset, but don't let this directly interfere in your life. You have my best wishes.
I have to repeat what's already been said, because it's important. Don't blame or hate on yourself, because anything that drives you to self-harm is legitimate. And it's good you want to stop because you deserve better.

The only advice I can offer is to share my own solution to the problem. Random acts of destruction are usually enough to help me until the feeling passes, such as ripping something to shreds or ditching things at the walls (breakable things when it's really bad - better to lose a coffee mug etc than to hurt yourself). If that fails, I attack my hair with scissors or a knife (obviously I have longish hair). It's not the best, but any effect is temporary and there's no chance of overdoing it and causing serious problems.

Other than that, keep talking to people; a therapist, friends, family, us. See if a joint effort can't help with what's driving you to harm yourself.
Remember that scars are like tattoos. You'll have them for the rest of your life. And I promise you, it doesn't matter how many you already have, you'll regret adding on to that number. Think of future you and ask yourself if she'll want those scars. This was the only thing that kept me clean.
i think the phrase "scars last forever" is silly they will fade eventually i promise you, you can always use salve which heals basically everything including scars. Im almost a year clean I recommend finding a piece of wood or something that you can cut up whenever you feel like you need to and then just looking at it for a while and think about how you dont have to worry about covering anything up afterwards or cleaning up the injuries. Its so much easier to deal with. or something else i tried if you have any anger issues is filling a plastic bag with water and freezing it so whenever youre angry you can throw it at the ground outside, its fun and lets out a lot of stress.
Please look at this post: has a lot of tips for alternative to self harm
Why not try some journaling to get your thoughts and feelings out onto paper? That helps me when I become frustrated or sad. When you get the urge, grab a piece of paper and just start writing. Write whatever you'd like to write, it's all between you and your journal. Maybe this could help ease the urge to self-harm. And please, don't hate yourself. It's okay to have the feelings you are having. That's why I think journaling can help. And if you can, share what you wrote down with a therapist or trusted person to get some therapy and feedback.