How can I stop being so nice?


All yous are probably like wtf why would she wanna stop being nice. But I do , my ex and I used to argue all the time yeah stupid teenage relationship but I’m always the one saying sorry. He was kinda depressed so I was always so scared he’d commit and I’d have panic attacks. if I argue with anyone and they call me something I just go ok and often they yell at me for not reacting which makes me panic because I think they hate me. I think I suffer from anxiety and erg I hate my life right now , I hate being scared to sleep , I hate feeling like everyone’s laughing at me and I hate feeling like everyone’s against me I just have such low self confidence and well yeah x

asked October 30, 2014

3 Answers

I used to be the same way, and it's hard to get past this mentality. What I find useful is basically going with a "Fuck you I'm awesome" mentality. It's all about gaining self confidence. Once you get the self confidence, you'll notice that refusing to be nice all the time will get easier.I hope this helps. But just keep your head held high darlin'.
Hi! First of all I think you are a great person, and being nice is what you are! You should always be so nice, no matter what the circumstances are. No one hates you, but maybe some people expect a different reaction or response from you. Being nice shows how you can be so great in a relationship which many guys find important in a relationship. You are a great person, stay that way, and don't care about those who don't appreciate your niceness :D I hope this helped!
This world needs more nice people, you're one of them and that is awesome!