How can i love myself?


Hey everyone, I have been struggling for a couple years now with truly loving myself as a whole. This has led to some serious self-esteem/ confidence issues that really prevent me from being happy- it’s actually led to me being quite depressed most days… Anyways, I am pretty thin yet I’m constantly afraid that if any little increase in weight will make me unattractive to anyone who could possibly like me. I know it’s superficial but i feel like the only way I will find love is if i am physically beautiful. Still, I always feel inadequate when it comes to my body and personality because of all the societal pressure for women to have perfect bodies and because of all the media portraying these perfect/ideal women. I fear i am going to end up alone. I would really appreciate any insight anyone with a healthy self-esteem has to say about how they gained their confidence.

Category: asked August 24, 2014

3 Answers

I had a hard time with confidence when I was in my teenage years but having a steady relationship for a while helped me realize that a person or people aren't going to judge you as bad as you think. I learned a lot from the relationship and it gave me a lot more confidence to be expressive, appreciative, and talkative. Once the relationship ended I started realizing all of these things and how fun I could make things for the people around me by just being myself and having fun. I think if you surround yourself with good people and make good friends that are supportive then you will have an easier time being yourself and people will like you for showing your true side and find your personality or the things you have in common attractive. Hope this helps. If you want any help or have questions, feel free to send me a message.
For loving your own self, you need to accept yourself the way you are. Your beautiful flaws and perfect imperfections
If you don't, how do you expect others to accept when you yourself cant?
And remember this; ppl dont fall for the face or the body. They do with the personality, and mind and soul. Only douches are the exceptions. Sure, they will be with that person, but for how long? The face is not gonna last, the personality is. and the latter is more attractive.
Cliches, but truth. You cant ignore them, cos that's how things are.
So you need to tell yourself that you are awesome just the way you are. And if you wanna change anything, you gotta change it for yourself, not for others. Accept yourself and love yourself. The right ppl will come around when they have to. There is always gonna be someone who loves and appreciates you the way you are. But start the love yourself.(:
Loving yourself is never about how other people perceive you. Your value isn't weighed by your social status or mental/physical health. Your self-worth isn't measured by the sum of what you produce. Listen to whatever music you want, even if people think it's stupid. Showcase everything you create, let people praise you. Take care of your body; exercise, eat healthy, have a cheat day, drink tea or juice often, care for your hair and skin. Be selfish sometimes, treat yourself. Remember the difference between selfish and self-centered. Be modest but not self-destructive. Be passionate about something. Never touch your body with a harmful hand; Rub your tummy when it's full, touch your toes and wiggle them around, pleasure yourself. Never pinch the fat on your hips or your arms. Compliment yourself, to yourself or out loud. Never be afraid to say "I made a mistake" but never take flack from anyone. Your savior is reflected in the mirror. Remember that.