How can i handle my trust issues with a guy?


So I just now started talking to this guy for about a month. I’m 17 & he’s 20.
He’s really cute, respectful, really sweet , caring, & just amazing so far. I’ve had a lot of trouble in my past trusting guys I’ve been with. & I really don’t want to mess this up with the guy I’m talking to. How can I build trust in a relationship with a guy I’m with without turning into a complete mess?

Category: Tags: asked August 14, 2013

2 Answers

You could try really taking things slow, and at your own pace with this guy. Really get to know him before you take things to the next level. Take as long as you want. Just do things how you feel comfortable doing them. Make sure you communicate with him! Get used to asking questions, and also answering them. If you start things off by keeping a lot to yourselves, it will continue to be that way all throughout the time you know each other, and that will obviously cause some problems down the track. I hope this helps. Good luck! :)
Take everything really slow. If he truly does like you then this won't be a problem with him. Maybe even tell him that you want to take things slow if you feel comfortable just incase he isn't willing to wait. Just slowly be honest and more trusting of each other if he feels the same way about you. You have to be careful because of the age difference since you aren't 18 yet too. So therefore, slowly taking everything is best. If he really cares about you the way you think he does then he will have no problem waiting for you to get everything in you life figured out, and you can start things when you feel comfortable.