How can I get more self confident?


I’m really not self confident. I always think I’m not pretty. My friends always tell me I am really pretty or beautiful or whatever but its hard for me to believe them because they’re my friends and I always think that they’re just saying that cuz they don’t want me to feel bad. But I do. Yesterday I was talking to my crush (who likes someone else btw) hcamp that we went to the guys in his cabin all said I was hot but I thought he was kidding or something. Honestly I just don’t think I’m pretty even though my crush and all my friends say I am. What can I do to boost my confidence?

asked August 27, 2014

5 Answers

Kind of like Misery'sToy - "Fake it 'til you make it" seems to be what most people say who've struggled in the past. Act confident and with time it will feel natural. Walk tall, laugh loudly, smile at your reflection, accept compliments, appreciate yourself - your talents, good qualities. Pretty much everyone deals with confidence issues I would say, and it's not easily fixed. It's a process and it will be continuous. There may be days where you fall back down, and that's fine, just try to brush yourself off and remember how far you've come.
Don't sweat it, everyone is naturally critical of themselves, some more than others. I know you may have heard this before but all you really have to do is look in the mirror, i mean really look into your own eyes and say at least 5 times in the morning (working your way up 100) "I like myself" it will make you giggle, and even if you aren't into it at first you will be.Trust me, there is nothing more attractive than a confident Man or Woman!
I feel the same, however I am recovering. You can message me, I will understand you.
I found this article, which I really think you should read that deals with a lot of different things regarding self confidence, and steps to improve it;

Also, I know from experience that you can be your own worst enemy, or your best friend. And it's hard to stay objective, you tend to focus on all the flaws in yourself. It's a lot easier to appreciate others around you. I'm going to tell you something, which I think is a generally good advise for many situations but; write it down, the things you like about yourself. And put it up somewhere you can see. And everyday before leaving the house, read it out loud.
Mary, thanks I want to but I'm kind of stupid and new to this site and I don't know how. Now I'm embarrassed.