How can I face my fears?


I am scared of a few things like being separated from my family and having to go to basic training some time. How can I face this fear? Is there a way to conquer your fears?

Category: Tags: asked October 28, 2013

3 Answers

You can slowly expose yourself to the adverse stimuli, and over time, you will become accustomed to it, and not have such an adverse reaction.Meaning: If you find a way to slowly ease yourself into these things, you will find over time you will be able to function better in these environments.
Fear is a big part of life. It is a logical fear to be away from family. I'm afraid that one might not go away. I find it's best to just face the fear and just do it. Think of all the regrets you would have if you let fear get the best of you.
You can do this, don't be afraid. You'll be okay and you do have the strength to face this.
Thank you both Ala and Afrafasti! I will take your suggestions into consideration and I know that I will definitely be able to face my fears because I don't want to let fear get the best of me and easing myself sounds good too.