how can i ever feel better?


how do I possible make myself feel better after being dumped by the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with?

Category: asked June 15, 2013

2 Answers

A couple of months ago I went through the same thing with the girl I thought was the one of my dreams. I was the one to break us up, but it hurt none the less. And it still does. I will never know what kind of life I turned down, and that fucks me up every now and then.

To cope I have decided that I must believe I will find the love of my life some time in the future. It hurts to wait, particularly when you have felt what you are looking for slipping through your fingers, but it does not change the fact that someone out there is better for you that what you had; by definition! It ended because it was not the best it could be!

I really hope I will find my love as soon as possible, because love is so important to me, but I must accept the chance that it might take years. But even years is not for ever, so have faith in yourself and the ones you meet. One of them is bound to be crazy enough to stick with you! :-)

how long were you together? the longer you were together, the longer it will take to get over him. just stay busy at work, and go out with your friends a lot. whenever you find yourself missing him, put it out of your mind. Open your mind to the possibility of a new relationship, because I bet if you are paying attention, you will notice there are many guys hitting on you and more than willing to take that guys place.