How can I cure/ease my social anxiety?


Whenever I’m around other people, I get extremely scared that they’re judging me. I don’t know how to start conversations without being awkward. I just get panicky and start overthinking everything. “Am I standing too close? Am I breathing correctly? Am I being weird?” I’m sick of these thoughts. Could anyone recommend anything to help me with this problem? Thanks!

Category: Tags: asked January 8, 2015

2 Answers

What I found work best is to focus more on the things going on around you. Try to at least accept that it would be better if you didn't care about these things. Talk about the people and the things around you more, think about how they'd make people feel. Like sometimes when I'm walking under streetlights I think they look all droopy and sad and its funny when I mention that to people. Just try and think about all the emotions that exist outside of yourself