High school problems!


Hey everybody!
15 days ago I started high school; and I have never been this depressed in my entire life. I’m a freshman and I am the definition of loner and anti-social. I have zero friends at high school and I feel so alone. I’m in a class where everybody is funny and cool and I’m socially awkward. What should I do? How can I attract new friends? If you think it is really no biggy–today I forced myself to vomit in the school bathroom, just so I can go home.

Also, there is this guy that is sitting behind me and yells “fag” to somebody constantly. I do not understand who is he referring to but it is really bothering me.

Category: asked September 15, 2014

2 Answers

It always is a little awkward going into high school and as a freshmen. Everyone loves to pick on the freshman because they're new in the high school. The people in your classes that seem "cool" are probably also trying to fit in. That's what happens in high school, everyone tries to fit in and be cool like everyone else so they blend in. I'm a junior now, being a freshman was the worse but as you go through the years, it'll get easier. Just remember that there are other people that are also struggling with these problems and they'll understand. Maybe switch to other classes that you feel more comfortable in? I took that route. Also, yes. The word "fag" will be used plenty of times! They're teenage boys also trying to fit in, so what other way would they possibly try to fit in? They name call and pick on people to give themselves satisfaction or confidence. I made myself sick plenty of times to send myself home, in the long run you will regret it. I was in high school to do my work, get it done, and get good grades. Once you're out of high school you have that options to never see these people again, so don't get too caught up in them.Anyway, things will get better and level out. It's a new start and it's always bumpy at first. If you would like to talk about it more, feel free to message me whenever. I'll be happy to listen. :)
Im sorry you are going through this! High school can be very hard. I was that kid in school as well. Its ok to be who you are though. Don't be ashamed to be the socially awkward kid, every class needs one. They can sometimes be the funniest person someone knows, the reason they smile. Thats a big thing to be able to do. To be able to make someone smile, lighten up their day! High school sucks but its important try to focus on your work, be yourself and be kind to everyone. It will be hard sometimes but you will be stronger for getting through it and if you are kind to everyone you will have no regrets because even through others were mean to you, you didn't hurt back. And remember you are never alone. People care, it may not seem like it but there are people who are rooting for you. I am.