help on apoligizing


so last week i ditched my church group. i went and hid in the bathroom so i wouldnt have to go. when i finally came out everyone was like where were you omg and my dad had come and these 3 group leaders had been running around try to find me (cause apparently they call ur parents if you ditch) and i told them that i had been at the church group the whole time and my dad knew that was a lie/ i told him i was actualyl in the bathroom so hes making me apoligize and tell the truth to the group leaders. im scared tho! the church leaders thought i was there the whole time, and theres 3 of them so im gonna have to apoligize 3 times. any tips to help me calm down? im nervous about apologizing…

asked March 2, 2014

3 Answers

You could try to address them as a group. Have them all there, so you only have to do it once. You could also try explaining why you did what you did. They should understand.
Just be honest with them. They will forgive you. Just as long as you take responsibility for what you did and why you did it.
It will also help to know what you are going to say before, so go ahead and write it out and practice. "Pastor Jones, I am very sorry for ditching the group. I was overwhelmed/nervous/upset/whatever it was that happened, and I hid in the bathroom instead. I'm sorry for worrying everyone and making them look for me." Something like that. If you know exactly what you need to say, then it will be easier to say it.