He still loves his bestfriend. How can I deal with this situation?


There’s this guy who kept on using me, hurting my feelings and leading me on then he rejected me. Eventually, I ditched him because I got tired. Then, I’ve heard from him that he fell in love with his bestfriend but she later friendzoned him and treated him the way he used to treat me. Despite of this, I feel sorry for him and I really want to him but I’m afraid he will treat me like crap again. He still loves her though.

Category: asked December 29, 2014

2 Answers

Maybe this is super harsh, but perhaps you're wanting him now because you can't have him? (if I read this right^^) but you deserve better. If he started doing it the first time the second time will be the exact same, if not worse, because now he's in love with someone else.Perhaps try moving on! Get your mind off of him Good luck
You don't deserve this. You DON'T. You seem like a loyal, understanding person. And youre too kind. What he did to you wasnt okay, and you deserve someone who will love and cheerish you. Not someone who will bail the second they get the chance. stay strong.