He dumped me….


I loved him, and he is a big reason I’m still here. And now he’s gone…. I don’t know what to do. I have to see him tomorrow… We have 1st period together and at lunch I sit at his table. And I’m going to have to answer people when they ask if we’re together and I don’t think I can do that without breaking down again :’( I want him to know how badly he hurt me, but at the same time I don’t want to appear weak….

Category: Tags: asked September 22, 2013

3 Answers

First of all,being forced to be with someone who broke your heart in the same room is awful. And on that putting up with everyone's enquiry about the status of your relationship is like a cherry on...its just tough. Speaking from personal experience, you have to first keep yourself strong in order to face the world in these situations. Tricky to handle but a little confidence goes a long way. Sit up straight in class, concentrate on the lecture. Do not throw glances or stare at him, avoid eye contact. And during lunch time, he won't be at your table because it is awkward for him too. But is he is, you go and sit with someone else at their table at least for few days until you feel comfortable being around him. It might feel like a shit day but its only these kind of experiences in life that make you strong and mould you into a confident adult. Best wishes and take care :) Come back and tell us on how did it go :)
Maybe you should avoid it for a while. Sit in the table for a while then go somewhere else. Dont suck it all your sorrows and try to smile. It helps a little. Of course you will have breakdowns in the beginning, but after a while things will be better. Now, if you want to continue being his friends, you can't treat him bad or show him how he broke your heart. If you dont care about being his friend, then just leave him be. Dont stay at his table, be polite but don't pretend. It's going to be hard since you will see him and probably wont be able to avoid him, just fill your mind with other things e.g sports, series, books, music, hot guys... And if it helps, think of all his bad things. Cheer up!
I would personally sit at a different table for lunch, eat with some different friends. If anyone asks you about it just ignore them, dont say anything, its none of their buisness anyways. When your at home do something that gets your mind off him, if thats hanging out with friends then go hangout with your friends, if its listening to music listen to music, if its doing sports then do that. Just find something to get your mind off him. As for being in the same first period, their isint much you can do, but if its possibly try to sit in the front if he sits in the back, then you wont have to see him. I have the same exact problem as you right now actually, same. exact. one. What im finding is working best for me is doing everything i can that gets my mind off him so ive been making a lot of bracelets and stuff lately, and if he talks to me i dont respond because i know i cant without breaking down. Do everything in your power to not think and i promise you you will get through this<3