Hard times and need a little help?


Hey Everyone, so right now I’m coming off the back end of a hellish two weeks and to be honest, I could do with someone to talk to. The question that I’d like to ask is, Is there anyone, preferably 25+ (no offense intended, it would just be easier for me to open up to someone closer to my own age) who would be willing to give a little time to offer a listening ear to someone very much in need and dealing with a lot right now? Many thanks in advance for any replies. TDZ

Category: Tags: asked June 29, 2015

3 Answers

Thank you Nienor Niniel, that is very sweet of you, and I appreciate both the hug and your offer. Perhaps maybe another time :)
I'm here. I just joined and still don't know how we can be able to communicate. But I'm 29
I'm 20, I don't know if that's ok with you. If you are, feel free to message me anytime you want to, I'll be right here to listen