growing up


I know that ill sound crazy but that’s okay.. Im a spoiled brat.. and im TIRED OF IT I don’t want people to hand me stuff on a gold platter anymore. I want to go to work do my own shopping with the money I worked to earn I want to pay my own bills I want to go on vacation with my own money. I start message therapy school I believe its august 23… but the day I went to sign up it was paid for in full… I wanted to pay for it im trying to get a job and my own house but nobody wants to hire me I think they can tell im a brat. anyways back to the reason im writing this.. so my BEST FRIEND (no spoiled and family is more on the poor side.. opposites do attract) told me that she doesn’t want to hang out with me until I grow up but I don’t know how. I know how I want my grown up life to be I just don’t know how to stop acting like a child.. any tips. please anyone.. oh yea im also trying to get an apartment that will be paid for until I have a job and can pay for it my self do you think that will help with the “growing up” sorry if that’s confusing…. that’s kind of how I act… in a way (do you think if I get a grown up life of paying for things my self ill act like the girls when they are cut off)

Category: asked August 14, 2014

3 Answers

Hey Megan,I've had both the semi-wealthy life and the more on the unwealthy life and I don't think being a brat has anything to do with having everything handed to you. I think it's how you appreciate it. It's wonderful that you want to do things for yourself, work for a living, pay for your own apartment, etc. That's such a great attitude and the attitude is what makes or breaks the person. If you carry yourself in such a way that makes you come off as greedy and uncaring then everyone is going to think you're a brat. But there is more to life than the money and I think you see that. So just carry yourself in a gracious way. I don't know if I fully agree in what your best friend is doing but I think it might help you. Anyway, I wish you the best sweetheart. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always willing to listen (:
I'd say the simplest way to start growing up is by setting a budget for yourself. Say a $100 per week for groceries, parties, miscellaneous expenses and such. Frankly that's still rather generous, but it'll be a start. If you can still do everything you want at any point, downgrade it to $70 or something - put the rest in a separate account. This will force you to get your own groceries, do your own cooking (be sure to get a cookbook if you haven't ever cooked before), be careful with your car and things like that. Those are important first steps. Moving into an apartment on your own is also a great step, as it'll make you clean your own place, do your own laundry, make your own bed and - importantly - manage your own space and life.

Basically, set rules for yourself. Limit the aid you get from your parents, force yourself to do things on your own.
So... poor people work hard for everything they have an envy the rich who have everything and life seems easy.

The rich have it "easy" and want for nothing and envy the poor who work hard to earn everything they have and admire their struggle.

Moral of the story? People are just never happy. No matter what your financial status is... being a brat is being a brat. If that isn't the kind of person you don't want to be then don't be that way... easier said than done but change the way you think about he problem. If you want independence, great! Sure get out on your own.. take a job.. any job. You want to know what it is like to work your ass off at a job you aren't paid well enough to do and be under appreciated? Go work at a restaurant or in retail.

If you aren't happy and want to be... stop looking outside yourself for happiness... happiness lies within and if you continue to look outside... you'll always be chasing it.

This may also help... bit of a long read but most assured worth it: