How do I get over a person that I fell in love with at first sight? How do I get over him when he was the one to plan our whole future and I was the one to fallow along. How do I get over someone who hates me….when he was the one to break me? How do I get over someone who I sacrificed everything to and lost my mind in the process of making him happy. I put up with a lot. Never should have given him a chance but he took advantage of my love towards him. How do I value myself for what I am really worth?

Category: asked September 29, 2013

3 Answers

Try to think about your future, your future with someone else, and kids and a big house and all you want to be when you get to then. Spend time with people who make you happy, busy yourself so you don't have time to want to contact him. You are amazing, don't let what he did phase you, try to keep your head up and stay strong. Relationships come and go, find something that will stick around, whether its a family member or a band or something amongst those lines. (:
I promise you, it gets better. It is so cliche' but one door closes so another opens, I know it won't feel that way at the moment but it's the truth. I have been in your shoes, used and taken advantage of and blinded by what I thought was love, but as time passed I healed and then I met someone else who truly showed me that I'm worth so much more than what my past has made me feel, someone who wanted to spend all his time with me and treated me like a woman not a girl...Time is the only thing that heals, being patient is hard and you will feel down but build a support circle of people who love and care about you and lean on them when you need, your beautiful and don't let this chapter in your life make you think otherwise. x chin up sweets
the smartest thing a woman can learn is never to need a man