flash backs of past before going to sleep


I’m rather new to all this, sorry if I haven’t used this correctly.

Since early age up to my later teens I have been physically and mentally abused. It has caused me to always second guess myself, I worry too much and care to much about what’s going around me than my own family life.

I have been fighting back my fears and past but they seem to always find their way back to haunt me. I find myself crying with shame,embarrassment and pain as they seem to show flash backs of things id rather forget.

I never thought I would last this long, when I was 17 I relied on alcohol to ease my troubles. I refused to admit I needed help, whenever I was at my low points I used to cut my hair or pick my arm till spots appear.

I am now 23, have a full time job, live with my fiance and two beautiful children. I should really feel proud at what I have achieved but I feel where ever I go my past is not too far behind me. Anyone else have similar issue and what is the best way to try forgetting painful memories?

Category: Tags: asked March 5, 2014

3 Answers

The resolution to a problem is often found within the wording of the problem itself; "refused to admit I needed help", and "the best way to try forgetting painful memories" contains your solution.

Stop refusing to get help, and stop trying to forget; confront and accept your past. You admit that you've been running from your past, and running is the problem, but once you confront and resolve your past issues, they'll stop bothering you, and for that matter they will stop hounding you.
You may never forget your painful memories but you're perfectly able to conquer them. you said yourself that you're happy to have a fiance and 2 beautiful kids. You may have been hurt in the past, but if you see what you have accomplished in the present and can accomplish in the future, you'll realize that your past could not prevent you from becoming successful.
I don't have similar issues, but i would suggest that you try to finding some 'grounding'/hypnosis thing on youtube to make yourself feel really relaxed, and then when you feel you're relaxed, try to think about how good your life is now, keep telling yourself that you're past these old problems and they've made you stronger! Embrace the memories as a part of who you are! imagine those memories as stones thrown at your glass house - it was bad it broke, but at least you learned to get beautiful marble walls :)