Feeling sad for no real reason.


A while back, I used to get these spells of sadness for no apparent reason. But recently, a lot of my family issues have come back up, and I haven’t been getting on well with my father.

I haven’t seen my mother for…years now (I’ve lost count) and I’ve been living with my dad since I was 6. We used to get on fine, but recently I feel like no one understands me any more (including him, and we’ve been arguing a lot), and it’s making me feel really depressed and upset.

And I’ve noticed now that I keep getting real sadness for no apparent reason again, and I just want to give up on life. I hate feeling like this, because when I’m sad for no apparent reason, there’s no way for me to get rid of it.

Can anyone talk to me? Or maybe offer me any advice? I’d really appreciate it, thank you.

Category: Tags: asked May 10, 2014

3 Answers

Hi there :)I know what you're going through, I've had family problems in the past specifically with my dad. From the sound of it, it seems like you might have a little depression. I was diagnosed with it 4 years ago. I would go and see a doctor or if you're in school still talk to a social worker. That can sometimes work, but sometimes not. With your dad, you just need to sit down and have a good talk. Whenever it seems like an argument is going to break out, walk away. Go into another room, take a walk outside, wait until you're calm enough to start talking to him again. If he starts shouting (idk if that happens during your arguments but just in case) talk in a quiet/normal level voice until he calms down because when you're the only one in the room shouting it makes feel kinda stupid and you stop. I do this to my dad all the time, make him feel like what he's doing is childish like "Dad, can you not shout at me?" "Why are getting so angry?" "This is something really stupid to get fluster about." "Can we maybe talk about this like adults?" Try something like that. Also, maybe tell your dad how you've been feeling lately and maybe that will tell him that something in your relationship needs to change. I hope this helps and you can come and talk to me anytime :D
It seems like there are a lot of negative energies around you. These negative energies are feeding off of you and that's what leaves you feeling this overwhelming sadness for "no reason". If the relationships and people around you are negative, you have to find something that makes you feel good. Soothing energy. Happy energy. Find the light in your darkness.
Well, to answer one of your questions, it's harmones, and it seems like your in a sad enviorment.