feeling guilty for things out of my control


I’m not sure why I do this and I’m suspecting that it may be a self-confidence issue..maybe anxiety? When things are going bad for someone, even if I have absolutely nothing to do with it, it makes me feel bad about myself. Like I should have done something different or I should be able to fix it or something. Someone said maybe it has something to do with feeling out of control of my own life but I don’t really understand that. I just would like to be there emotionally for people who need me without feeling stressed and depressed afterward. Kind of related is I don’t take advice too well at first like I feel like I failed but then I’ll think and conclude that that’s silly they’re just helping, I don’t need to feel bad, just fix it. Is that self-centeredness maybe do you think?

asked March 28, 2013

1 Answer

I have a friend who was raped and abused in her past. Things are good in her life now, but I know she hasn't gotten over that trauma. She constantly worries about almost everyone to the point where she will mentally shut down if something bad happens to me, or a member of her family or any of her other close friends. I suspect that her incessant worrying is her attempt to cover up her own trauma and pain. Just an idea