Dont even know what to do…


I feel completely lonely, unwanted and unimportant…
And im married.
He has ALL the time in the world for hobbies, but when i ask for a little time.
im suddenly “demanding” and asking too much, making him feel bad and “basically saying to throw all his ‘toys’ away.”
How do you beat that? What do you say?
If i say anything its nothing but another argument following by being shunned for anywhere from 1 hour to the rest of the day/night.
I feel so alone and unimportant.
What hurts the most is that he could care less, as long as he is happy.
What reason does someone have to stay in a relationship where they could care less to interact/connect? Im so confused.
Why cant he be happy with ME? with spending time together, etc.?

Category: Tags: asked June 7, 2013

1 Answer

ok,.....i don't know how long you have been married, or why you got married, or if you live in a big city or country side, ( all of whitch matters here ) I can only speak from my own experience.. I have been married 24 years in July. But in the early days , 1988 -1996-ish i felt the same way as you, my husband, though I loved him and wanted to be with him, was pretty much a jerk and acted much like how you described..Now, here is where my advice may or may not apply to your situtation, I got married because I got pergnant, (and we did love eachother and were thrilled about our new family ).....before I knew it I became pregnant again, and then a third time, by now he was working a LOT and I was a stay at home mom, That is what saved our marriage in thoes early years, If we spent all the time that I thought I wanted at the time with him, we never wohld have made it, Bit during thoes times I managed to get my satisfaction when he would be a jerk. He was a "my way or the highway" guy. No point in trying to reason with him, at all. So , I would do little things to confuse him.Not saying that was right, but it sure made me feel better at the time....anywho, time is.short and passea by quickly before ya know it. Sure you deserve to be happy, ....being in the spot you feel your in makea me wonder why your together at all. On the up side, its true that men do mellow as the get older, good luck and to message me if you just wanna vent