Doggy Question -Life or Death-


My neighbor has an 8 and a half month old rat terrior who is starting to develop breasts, and that’s not normal for dogs. Well, about 4 weeks ago, we think she mated with a poodle, Happy. The outcomes are it’s harmonal, fake pregnency, or she’s actually pregnent.

asked May 10, 2014

5 Answers

Take her to a vet!
It is not likely to be a fake pregnancy, and breasts are not a normal sign of hormones. Take her a vet as soon as you can.
Only humans are messed up enough for fake pregnancies. Take her to a vet.
Only a vet can tell you what's going on with a dog.
You should definently take her to a vet, but you can usually feel the puppies by lightly pressing into her tummy. Is she still in heat?