Does anybody have experience with eating disorders?


I’m falling back into a relapse and I’m not quite sure how to handle it this time. I’ve started counting calories, compulsively exercising, even covering my mirrors. Therapy is not an option for me right now, please don’t ask me why.
I don’t really like talking about it with my friends, either. They try to help me but whenever I’m alone I fall back into old habits. I need to feel in control of my body. I want to lose weight and I’m TERRIFIED of gaining any weight at all.
Any tips or suggestions for recovery? Any would help.

Category: asked January 26, 2015

2 Answers

I can relate to how you feel. It's not easy to overcome this. You can message me if you'd like and I'll try my best to help you where I can.
Eating disorders are tough. But you are not alone, there are many people that have gone through them and gotten over them. You can too! Stay strong!