does anybody ever feel lost?


Do you ever feel lost and don’t know who you truly are? Ive tried finding myself and trying to know who I am as a person but don’t know who I really am? I don’t know if this makes any sense.. help???

asked December 27, 2014

2 Answers

I know this sounds so insanely weird, but take some quizzes online. Those really cheesy personality quizzes are sometimes really good to go to because then you realize just how many different options there are and you realize that you DO in fact have a preference for something. Also, I would suggest taking the meyers-briggs personality test; it is an actual personality test that is used by employers and psychologists and many other people in order to identify key points in your personality as well as advantages and disadvantages. I would also consider (no matter what your age) taking career tests simply for the same reason. Another thing you can do is talk to your friends and ask how they perceive you (this way you can see whether you agree or disagree) and be patient with yourself. Developing your personality and "finding who you are" and what makes you you is a long process and is nothing to be ashamed of.
I felt lost often too :) Until discovering that life-changer of a test xD Im an INFJ ^^ Here are the links to the tests that I would normally use and when you find out your type, search it up on google and more importantly, click on the link below and read through everything it says about your personality type ^^ just select the four letter's that you got