Do you think college is necessary?


I really don’t think college is for me. But Idk, maybe I’m making a bad decision. I don’t think so, but lemme know what you think!

Category: Tags: asked January 21, 2014

11 Answers

What is the value of pursuing a higher education? To obtain a degree which will hopefully assure us a better chance of becoming financially independent? Well, it's not guaranteed that after you get a degree you will land a job in that field. However, in my opinion college is not just meant for a degree, but another addition to our life experience. It's where we learn how to learn, and also a way to discover ourselves in new ways that are applicable to our own personal development, along with being surrounded by a diverse community.

Before I started my first semester in college, I never really knew what to expect. Two semesters can seems insignificant compared to the entire amount of time needed to obtain a degree, but I’ve noticed within this time-frame a change in my general ideology, perspectives, and improvement in understanding complex information. I’m eager to reflect on my own development after a few years, but the main thing is that college has already given me a chance to explore new ideas.

To sum it up, it's a huge benefit for your personal development - as well as a way to open up career opportunities that you may not get without a degree. Hope that helps! -Guardian
It's really all up to you, if you truly don't want to go to college you should not have to, it may help you better get a job, but college does not always mean job security, it's just as hard to get a job with a degree than without (Although you may be more considered than someone without the degree. But it is your call in the end.
College is important for the skill set to what you want for the future.. NOT for the degree or the certification.. but if you LACK the skills to achieve what you need in life.. without them.. you're as good as nothing
College isn't always for everyone, but you also need to keep in mind that if you decide not to go, it'll make it harder for you in the future, persuing whatever it is you want to do. And it's quite a lot different from high school, YOU get to decide what it is you want to study, whatever it is your passionate about.But in the end it's your choice, all up to you. Just consider the consequences in whatever decision you decide to make.
Was reading this today, has some good pointers on what changes:
It really depends on what YOU want to do. E.g. becoming a makeup artist does not require college but rather beauty school. However, if you want to start a makeup business or a line of products, then going to school for business would be necessary.
Hiya. Honestly I think it totally depends on the person! Some people are naturally more practical and thrive better off hands on experience, and other thrive better with less practical things like literature or mathematics. Personally I didn't do all that great at things like math or science, but as someone training to be a chef, I find I do not need those skills anyway and I have learnt more and gained more from experience and hands on learning techniques. So its all down to personal choice. Just be wise in understanding whether you are a practical or academic brain and start thinking of it like that. Hope I could be of help.
Not for everyone. I think having ambitions is the most important thing. maybe what you want to do doesn't require a college degree. Some kind of education/training though!
YES.. from an evolutionary state, collage is an important experience whether you graduate or just take random classes to acquire a skill set you like...without collage you will deteriorate into an ignorant social class and your life will significantly worsen,, Source: experience and social studies
Nope! College and university are both optional. One is not better than another, and which you go to (or going to neither) largely depends on what you want to do with your life. Some jobs you can acquire through an apprenticeship and others you can just go right into from high school. I don't think its absolutely necessary, specially if you don't know what you want to do and you're just going because you feel you should. College is EXPENSIVE (at least if you live in certain places) and largely does not guarantee a job anymore. If you have a specific career in mind that you really want that requires a post secondary education, go for it! But college is largely overrated, IMO, and you shouldn't feel like you NEED to go especially if you're just going because you think you should and don't even know what you want to do with your life.