do i seem to have social anxiety?


I honestly just suck at speaking and I freak out whenever I’m around others. I also am extremely shy, like someone will ask me something and I just won’t say anything at all and when I do its usually vague remarks like “yeah” and “awesome”. I also worry for weeks before a presentation up until the day I have to present that I’m gonna look stupid and such. I freak out in any social situation and I hate talking to and being around other people.

Category: Tags: asked December 1, 2014

2 Answers

It's probably just severe anxiousness in public. Just practice speaking in front of others. Start small; practice in front of an imaginary audience, look people in the eye when you speak to them. Don't worry about what others think. A person can move another with merely words. That could be you. Take deep breaths and calm yourself before a presentation, and try to push it at the back of your mind and not worry about it so much. If you can't bear to look at the audience, just look at the space above their heads. You can do it.
Only a professional can tell you for sure, but from the little you've told us, as a suffer of it, you do sound like you may have it. Talk to your friends or family about this so you have a support network you can trust. You may also want to look into seeing a professional so they can diagnose you if necessary and help you deal with the symptoms. x